Some more listening practice of the Sino-Korean numbers… This listening exercise can include any of the numbers between 1 and 100. You can listen to the same audio only three times, then, you must write an answer.
Make sure you use numbers, don’t spell them.
Once all fields completed, click the “Check” button.
Click “Show solution” button to compare your answers to the expected ones.
Note to this sheet: the exercises are suitable for using both the present formal polite, and present, but not formal polite verb endings. If you are not convenient with both, feel free to stick to the one you know. The major part of the sheet is about you writing your own sentences with the given clues anyway..
Hint: once the sheet is complete, spend some time reading it out for yourself.
(Scroll to the bottom of this post to download practice sheet.)
I am sure this is one of the listening tasks that you can’t have enough! It is a listening game to practice dates – as long as it contains the month and the date.
Click the button at the beginning of the row to listen to the audio, then, write the date you just heard next to it.
This time, you can listen to the same audio as many times as you want.
Once all fields are complete, click the “Check” button to see your results.
Click “Show solution” to reveal solution.
Be careful with the format!The only correct form is: number of the month with 월 (no space inbetween) + space + number of the day with 일 (again, no space inbetween). Like “9월 9일” for “Sep 9”. Any typo in the format will mark your answer as not correct.