I am sure this is one of the listening tasks that you can’t have enough! It is a listening game to practice dates – as long as it contains the month and the date.
If you would like to have more practice about the dates, check out the other post with the “Date” tag.
- Click the button at the beginning of the row to listen to the audio, then, write the date you just heard next to it.
- This time, you can listen to the same audio as many times as you want.
- Once all fields are complete, click the “Check” button to see your results.
- Click “Show solution” to reveal solution.
- Be careful with the format! The only correct form is: number of the month with 월 (no space inbetween) + space + number of the day with 일 (again, no space inbetween). Like “9월 9일” for “Sep 9”. Any typo in the format will mark your answer as not correct.