To find more post on formal polite verb ending – use the ~습니다/~습니까 tag at the bottom of the page or the post.
Your task here is to complete the sentences using this verb ending. Once all of them are complete, click the “Check” button to see your results. The “Show solution” button will reveal the expected answers.
This sheet focuses on some common, basic words of action and description, while also practices forming verbs with “~습니다 / ~습니까? //~ㅂ니다 / ~ㅂ니까?” ending.
Present tense
Formal and polite (eg. speaking to old, higher rank, new people, audience)
Positive form:
Base form ending with vowel: ~ㅂ니다
Base form ending with consonant: ~습니다
Base form ending with “ㄹ”: ~ㅂ니다 (ㄹ and 스 ommitted)
Question form:
Base form ending with vowel: ㅂ니까?
Base form ending with consonant: ~습니까?
Base form ending with “ㄹ”: ~ㅂ니까? (ㄹ and 스 ommitted)